27 Desember 2012

Retake SAT

Alhamdulillah, I can retake the SAT 1 in this January. This is will be the most important agenda in this month, because it can determine whether I can continue my study abroad or not. I know it will be difficult and full of twist and turn, plus I should study the SAT by myself will add this challenge into misery. However, I’m positively believed that I can reach the standard given by the KSB.
The difficulties will focus mainly in time management, then in the plethora of SAT materials that I must understand and mastered. Time management in this January will be hard, because I have many exams waiting, exams for UNAS, try out, homework from teachers, school exam, and many exam that I don’t know how to name it.
Moreover, the plethora of SAT materials I must mastered in about one month starting from now. Luckily, I bring SAT books, Princeton Review in my holiday. So, I could open it to remember the materials that already given by Keith and Kak Sandy on last November. After that course, I know that my weakness in math. I have a good score in English, but it will not help me much if I can’t increase my ability in math. So, as you guess, I will make mathematic as my priority in studying the SAT.
Why I’m positive about this second opportunity? Because I learned many things from my first SAT test that turned out to be failure, but gave me a bountiful of precious experiences. On this second chance, those experiences will guide me through the darkness of SAT examination path (Oh, I’m too exaggerate this).
Beside of that, I have many prodigious friends adept in the SAT, especially mathematic like Nain (my sister because we are in same house, Manta ray), Jaya (My classmate and close friends who skillful in almost everything), and Bimly (A really smart boy from Banyuwangi whose father is headmaster in senior highschool in his city). Those are small of my friends who really impressive especially in academic. I also have many friends that willing to help and pray for me. Especially the students that retake the SAT, if we can help each other, I believe getting score 1200 in hand is possible.

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