28 November 2010

Internet Sehat Bikin Hebat

Internet Sehat Bikin Hebat.
Sebuah Harta Karun Terpendam

Ketika mendengar kata internet pertama kali, waktu aku masih kecil. Aku berfikir bahwa internet itu merupakan ssesuatu yang sangat canggih. Tetapi, ada satu hal yang selalu aku ingat sampai sekarang. Meski canggih, menurutku internet selalu berhubungan dengan sesuatu yang tak jelas. Sesuatu yang Kau-Tahu-Apa.
Itu dulu, waktu aku masih kecil. Sekarang ketika aku remaja, pikiranku lebih terbuka dan berpandangan luas. Internet juga bisa membawa manfaat yang besar bila digunakan secara benar. Betul tidak?
Meski semua tahu bahwa internet bisa mendatangkan manfaat, jarang sekali orang yang mau meraih manfaat secara maksimal dari penggunaan internet. Bukankah begitu? Banyak orang yang membuka internet hanya untuk facebook-an tak jelas. Belum lagi jika membuka situs- situs Kau-Tahu-Apa. Parahnya lagi, yang membuka situs-situs seperti itu kebanyakan adalah pelajar. Ck...ck...ck...
Nah, sebagai seorang pelajar yang baik, seharusnya kita yang menjadi pelopor internet sehat. Internet sehat itu menurutku adalah cara berinternet yang mengedepankan aspek manfaat. Jadi, jika kamu berninternet tapi nggak ada manfaatnya, itu berarti belum sehat.
Lalu, caranya berinternet sehat itu seperti apa? Kamu bisa melakukannya seperti ini

1. Tetapkan tujuan dengan jelas. Kalau kamu browsing tetapi nggak nggerti tujuan kamu itu apa, kamu akan kesasar kemana-mana. Ibarat kamu pergi kesuatu tempat tapi nggak tahu jalannya. Bahayanya, kamu pasti punya kecenderungan untuk membuka situs Kau-Tahu-Apa daripada situs baik- baik. Karena, kamu pikir situs itu lebih “menarik”. Betulkan? Ngaku aja.
2. Beri Timing. Ini penting, terlebih untuk menghemat biaya. Jangan sampai kamu terbelok- belokkan oleh hal- hal yang nggak penting.
3. Jangan tergoda. Ini penting. Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, remaja itu punya sifat selalu ingin tahu. Jadi, hati- hati kalau browsing ya, friends!
4. Ingat Tuhan. Meski cuman internetan, kalau nggak ingat Tuhan, gawat juga. Jika kamu mengingat Tuhan, kamu pasti dijaga kok. Kamu akan takut saat kamu ingin membuka situs Kau-Tahu-Apa.

Kayaknya untu tips cukup segitu dulu deh.
Sekarang, setelah kamu bisa ngerti cara memanfaatkan internet dengan sehat, kamu bakalan hebat. Gimana nggak? Jika kamu manfaatin dengan benar tuh intenet, kamu bakalan berpengetahuan luas. Open-Minded istilahnya.
Dulu kamu mungkin cuma anak desa yang nggak tahu apapun, katrok, dan cuma berfikir bahwa internet itu hanya tempat maksiat (kaya aku dulu). Tetapi jika kamu komitmen untuk beinternet sehat kamu bakalan jadi remaja yang cool, pinter dan fun.
Yah, kayak aku dulu lah, dulu itu aku ndeso, katrok banget. Tapi lihat sekarang, aku punya blog, aku bisa lebih tahu apa yang terjadi dengan berinternet sehat. Jangan khawatir kamu bakalan ketinggalan info. Semuanya ada di intenet. Lengkap. Kamu tinggal ngetik kata kunci, kemudian enter. Sim salabim, langsung banyak yang keluar tuh.
Bayangin aja, dulu kamu gaptek, sekarang setelah berinternet sehat, kamu jadi ahli banget dalam bidang teknologi informasi. Dulu kamunya katrok, sekarang udah cool.
Sekarang aja nih ada contoh sederhana. Dulu itu kamu nggak bisa bahasa inggris (kayak aku). Tetapi setelah rajin berinternet sehat, kamu jadi lebih jago berbahasa inggris. Karena, kamu bisa belajar langsung dari internet. Tak perlu les, di internet ada banyak sekali informasi mengenai belajar bahasa inggris. Mulai dari e-book hingga conversation-nya pun ada. Jika kamu tertarik untuk mempelajari english conversation atau tulisan, kamu bisa buka www.englishconversation.org atau www.youthspeak.org.
Internet sehat itu murah kok. Seperti harta karun pengetahuan yang terpendam. Padahal, kamu hanya perlu mempraktikan pola internet sehat. selanjutnya, kamu pasti bakalan hebat. Bagaimana, Mau?

Nick's Journal: Masuk Hoghwarts

Hai, namaku Nicholson Granger. Kau bisa memanggiku Nick. Sebenarnya, nama lengakpku adalah Nicholson Albert Enrico Fermi Jean Granger. Aku masih keturunan keluarga Granger. Nenekku adalah Ibu dari Hermione Granger. Dan aku, yah kau tahu sendiri bahwa memiliki nenek seorang muggle akan dianggap buruk oleh sebagian penyihir.
Ayahku merupakan adik dari Hermione Granger, yang bernama Nielsen Jean Granger yang merupakan ilmuwan muggle. Sedangkan Ibuku sendiri bernama Fanella Alberta, yang merupakan penyihir berdarah murni. Ibuku sampai dijauhi oleh beberapa saudaranya karena menikah dnegan muggle. Bahan dicoret dari silsilah keluarga. Tapi nenek dan kakekku dari pihak ibu tidak pernah menganggap Ibuku infeksi keluarga yang harus dibuang.
Aku Half-Blood. Tentu, kau sudah membaca silsilahku diatas kan?
Setelah menunggu sangat lama, akhirnya saat aku berumur 11 tahun aku bisa masuk Hoghwarts School of Witchraft and Wizardy. Cool! Mom dan Dad senang sekali tahu, bahwa aku diterima di Hoghwarts. Bahkan mom sendiri yang mengantarkanku ke Diagon Alley untuk membeli perlengkapan sihirku.
Sayang, Ollivander sudah sangat tua sehingga dia tak lagi melayani pembeli. Tetapi, dia tetap membuat tongkat. Yang aku tahu, dia diganti oleh seseorang laki- laki paruh baya yang berambut putih panjangg seperti kapas. Bajunga berwarna hitam kusam dan berkuku panjang.
Dia memilihkanku tongkatku. Tak ada yang cocok, sehingga aku disuruh memilih sendiri. Akhirnya aku mendapat tongkat sihir. Kayu Oak, 13 inchi berinti bulu phoenix. Aku sangat beruntung mendapat inti tongkat yang sama dengan Harry Potter yang terkenal.
Akhirnya, 11 September tiba. Pukul 7 pagi Mom dan Dad sudah mengantarkanku ke Stasiun King Cross. Aku bertemu Bibi Hermione dan Paman Weasly yang sedang mengantarkan anaknya, Rose.
"Oh, Hermione! akhirnya aku bertemu kau, aku sangat sibuk akhir- akhir ini" Mom bicara dengan Bibi Hermione dan memberinya pelukan kilat. " Tak apa- apa, Ella, aku tahu kau sangat sibuk. Bekerja di Kementerian Sihir pasti membuatmu pusing" Sahut Bibi Hermione pada Mom. Mom hanya mengangguk sedikit "Yah, tentu" sambil mendengus.
Aku hanya menonton Mom dan Bibi Hermione berbincang- bincang. Dad juga begitu, tak menjelaskan berbagai aspek pembaharuan yang terjadi di Stasiuk King's Cross, karena Paman Ron sangat bersemangat bertanya.
"Mom, Dad, kurasa keretanya mau berangkat, bisa aku berangkat sekarang?" Aku memandang Mom yanga asyik berbicara. "Ya sayang, tentu" Dia menciumku dan memberiku pelukan, kemudian Dad juga, "Jangan nakal, jangan lupa, gunakan otakmu sebelum bertindak, Jagoan!" kata Dad sambil mengusap kepalaku. Aku hanya sepusar Dad, betapa kecilnay diriku!
Aku menyeret koperku. Ugh... berat dan segera masuk ke dalam Hogwarts Express. "Mom, Dad, bye... bye.." aku melambai dari kompartemenku. Mereka melambaikan tangan. Mom melambaikan saputangannya dan berteriak, "hati- hati!" yang aku jwab dengan anggukan, "Aku akan megirim surat 2 minggu sekali!" Suara peluit dan asap putih tebal menyembur. Angin membawa asap itu kebelakang dan Hogwarts Express melaju dengan suara bisingnya menuju Hogwarts.

Nick's Journal

Hai, namaku Nicholson Granger. Kau bisa memanggiku Nick. Aku Half-Blood

Diklat Jurnalistik, Berlari

Kemarin merupakan hari yang melelelahkan bagiku, dan beberapa kawan yang ikut klub jurnalistik. Bagaimana tidak? Setelah dijejali berbagai macam materi sejak pukul 07.30 - 15.30 WIB, kami harus mengahdapi tantangan untuk mencari pos pos jurnalis di UNIBRAW. Dan setiap pos akan diberi waktu jalan 3-5 menit. Jika berhasil sesuai waktu yang ditentukan, kami akan mendapat pita biru. Jika kalah, merah ditangan.
Aku dan kelompokku (Btw, kelompokku namanya ungu). Cowok yang ada di kelompokku itu hanaya aku. Yang lain cewek, yaitu Nadia, Ayu, Mbak Ulfah, dan Alvin.
Kami menadapt rute jalan
Pos 1. Big Bang
Pos 2. Fak. Hukum
Pos 3. Teknik Mesin
Pos 4. Fak. Peternakan
Pos 5. Gazebo Oryza FM
Pos 6. Gazebo di samping Fak. Kedokteran.

Tetapi, yang boleh dikunjungi pertama kali adalah Pos 1, 3, 4, dan 5. Dan setiap pos hanya boleh ada dua kelompok yang mengerjakan tugas.
Karena aku udah yakin bahwa POs 1. penuh, maka aku ngajak kelompokku langsung ke pos 4 yang berada di Fakultas Pertanian. bayangkan, kami lari dari asarama ke Fakkultas Pertanian, (asrama kami terletak di griya Brawijaya). lelah, ngos-ngosan deh pokoknya.
Akhirnya selesai juga di pos sastra (nama pos 4) kami membuat puisi yang berjudul Pulangkan Aku, yang berkisah tentang sampah.
Kemudian kami berlari ke Teknik Mesin, karena penuh, kami ditolak dan berlari ke Big Bang. Disana kami bertemu Mas Ziky, teman selobiku. Kami mendapat tugas untuk mencocokkan puzzel foto dan menemukan objek yang ditunjukkan di puzzel dan memfotonya. Kmai menadapt teratai. Kami mendapat biru disini.
Setelah itu akmi lari lagi ke Pos 2. Ini wajib, setelah pos 1 harus pos 2, karena tugasnya berurutan. Ternyata, kami disuruh membuat artikel di sini. Mas Arizky jadi jutek banget, kata Mbak ulfah, kami di suruh memilih ertas - kertas yang bertebaran dan mencari amna yang artikel dan mana yang bukan, aku sbenarnya udah dapet, polling itu artkle, karena temen- temanku nggak percaya, jadi di rumbah ke tips deh. Gamabr dari pos 1 akan dibuat menjadi artikel, jadin kami membuat artikle tentang merawat teratai deh.
Setelah ke pos 2, kami ke pos 3. Pos pembuatan berita. Kami disuruh mengambil berabgai macam kata dari aspek what, when, who, where, dan why, terus kami disuruh membuat hownya bagaiaman.
Kami mendapat who-nya adalah Justien Bieber, what-nya menyanyi, when-nya tahun depan, where-nya di sawah why-nya tertimpa beton. Kebayang nggak kami buat berita apa? hoax besar deh.
Setelah itu kami lari- lari, hari sudah sore, parkiran depan fakultas peternakan mengembangkan rasa ngerinya. Apalagi remang- remang karena pepohonan. Kami lari, terus lari, melewati fakultas biologi dan terus lari ke fakultas kedokteran. Pokoknya lari, teman- temanku cewek ketinggalan jauh dibelakang.
Akhirnya samapi juga di gazebo, eh... ternayata salah, bukan gazebo yang ini, tapi di belakang fakultas kedokteran. Meski capek lari- lari, badan berbau keringat, rambutku basah kayak habis kehujanan. Kami dapat merah!
Di Pos 5, kami bertugas mewawancarai Pak Yudi, pembimbing klub jurnalis. Sebelumnya, kami sudah mendapatakn topik yang kan dugunakan untuk mewawancarai Pak Yudi. Kami menadapt topik coklat. Dalam interview ini, kami bersimulasi mewawancarai Mr. Flame, nama samaran Pak Yudi. Aku pikir ini akan jadi wawancara serius, eh tak tahunya arah ngalor-ngidul nggak jelas. Ini ada contoh petikan wawancaranya.
Saya: "Mr. Flame, dimanakah memebli coklat?"
Mr Flame: "Di TPS- TPS (Tempat Pembuangan Sampah) terdekat lah. sambil 'say hello' pada kawan- kawan"
Nggak jelas banget kan?
Kemudian kami lari lagi ke Pos 6. Yeah, pos terakhir. Ternyata di Pos ini kami akan membuat berita sari hasil wawancara tadi dan membacanya ala pembawa berita. Dan kau tahu, aku yang akan membacanya, GJ banget..
"Selamat Sore, jumla lagi dengan Saya M.... Dalam acara Sekilas Berita Ungu TV. Dalam beita kali ini, saya akan membahas Coklat, dari persepsi orang gila"
Geje deh, lelah sekali rasanya, tapi seneng banget bisa kayak gini. Diklat paling cepet tapi berkesan

24 November 2010

Hujan Bisa Menipu Waktu

Ini pagi hari jam 4.10, tetapi rasanya masih jam 3. Di luar geremis kau tahu? dan aku ingat bahwa hari ini aku ada ulangan LCO, tetapi rasanya susah banget untuk bangun. Karena apa? hujanlah munhkin penyebabnya, meski rasanya sulit dipercaya.
Hujan di pagi hai, terutama waktu subuh, menurutku sanggup menyihir orang untuk tetap tidur. Rasanya nyaman... banget untuk tidur. Karena apa ya? Aku nggak tahu, tapi memang begitu kenyataannya.
Teman- teman di asrama juga belum bangun semua. Padahal, biasanya jam segitu sudah bnagun semua. Atau malah di umumin di pengeras suara. Memang, hujan sanggu menyihir. Dan parahnya, kita tak bisa menyalahkan hujan kan?

21 November 2010

Harry Potter Part I. Awesome!

Sebenarnya, susah banget ngungkapin persaanu saat liat Harry Potter part I. Bahagia, meski uangku akan terkuras karenanya. Yah, sebagai anak asrama yang cuman dijatah 100 000 perbulan oleh orang tua pasti akan menimbang- nimbang kalau mau keluar, aplagi nonton film yang butuh budget 25 000. Ok, bagi sebagian kalian pasti menganggap uang itu sedikit. Yah, we are different. Tapi bagi aku, itu termasuk uang yang berharga.
Meskipun aku bilang betapa berharganya uang itu, tetap saja aku ambil buat nonton Harry Potter, mana tahan... dan yang lebih hebatnya lagi, waktu aku mampir ke Gramedia, aku tak bisa nahan godaan untuk membeli buku belajar bahasa jepang, meski aku tak terlalu bisa. Tapi karena hari rebu depan aku ulangan, jadi... must buy it!
Perjuanganku buat nonton Harry Potter nggak semudah tinggal beli tiket doang. Aku harus benar- benar mengkalkulasi waktu agar aku bisa datang tepat waktu. You know, this Saturday, i got a badminton L2L progam, so i must joined it. If i did’t join this program, aku bakaln dikeluarain.
Badminton dimulai pukul 10.30 dan selesai pukul 13.30. Tapi dengan mohon- mohon akhirnya aku bisa keluar lebih awal, sekitar pukul 11. 26. Temenku tak henti- hentinya sms aku. Cepet!
Nah, aku berlari tuh, kira-kira satu kilometeran lah. Melelahkan.. sampai ke dorm langsung wudhu terus sholat. Aku aku nggak mandi, padahal, tadi aku keringetan hebat. Yah, pokonya semauanya ahrus dilakuin dengan cepat dan tangkas. Akhirnya, aku bisa keluar dari asrama sekitar pukul 12.00 dengan alasan pergi ke pasar besar. Padahal, aku pergi ke Matos bta nonton Harry Potter. Bagi kalian yang baca ini dan tahu aku, mohon jangan dbahas ya! Maafkan kesalahanku ini.
Yah, tepat sampai Matos kira- kira 12.09. Dan aku ngggak telat, emang sih, dormu dekat dengan Matos.
Aku sama temen-temenku langsung ke studio 2 dan atas kerja keras temenku yang mau ngantri, kami dapat tempat duduk strategis, bagian nomor 2 dari atas. Yah, Harry Potter, i’m coming.
Filmnya bagus dibandingin sama yang ke-6, tapi tetep aja bagiku itu kurang waw, gitu. Tapi bagi kalian yang nggak sempat baca novelnya, aku yakin pasti terkesan dengan film ini. Tapi emang nih film bagus banget!
Film ini dibuka oleh keputusan trio Harry, Hermione, dan Ron, untuk tidak kembali ke Hoghwarts. Yang perlu dicatat adalah adegan Hermione yang menghapus ingatan orangtuanya dengan sihir (Obliviate!). Meski adegan ini tak muncul di novel, tapi menurutku iadegan ni menambah betapa kelam dan putus asanya film ini. Meski ditengah- tengah ada banyak juga adega yang bisa bikin kamu ketawa.
Sayangnya, adegan yang aku nantikan, yakni kisah Kreacher, tak muncul di film. Padahal menurutku ini merupakan adegan transisi yang juga penting. Tapi yah, nggak terlalu keliahaatn kalau mengubah cerita kok.
Yang paling aku sukai tetep aja Hermione Granger dan juga Bellatrix Lestrange. Akting mereka berdua sangat keren, habis- habisan, apalagi waktu Hermione disiksa oleh Bellatrix, dan aku tak sabar melihat Hermione, Ginny, dan Luna menghajar Bellatrix di Part 2, kalau ada. Cause di novel ada dan aku suka adegan itu. Tapi, yah.... cuman bsa berharap doang kan?
Ini ada beberapa scene yang ter-... menurutku.

Yang paling asyik
Harry, Ron, dan Hermione melawan Greyback dan antek- anteknya dihutan.

Yang paling menyedihkan
Meninggalnya Dobby, sang peri rumah yang merdeka. Setelah menyelamatkan Harry dan kawan- kawan dari ruang bawah tanah keluarga Malfoy, sungguh menyentuh. Temanku sampai nangis pada adegan ini.

Yang paling mengerikan
Hermione disiksa oleh Bellatrix, suaranya sungguh buat aku merinding. Meski dibuku tak ada adegan Bellatrix menorehkan luka yang bertuliskan Mudblood (Darah-Lumpur) di lengan Hermione, tapi itu malah membuat adegannya mengerikan dan mengenaskan.

Yang paling Geje (Gak jelas maksudnya)
Harry yang berusaha menghibur Hermione dengan mengajaknya berdansa. Sumpah, Geje banget, dan ini nggak ada di buku

Sebenarnya, ada banyak banget adegan yang seru di sini. Tetapi ada juga kekurangnnya. Jika kamu sudah pernah abaca buku Deathly Hallows, pasti kamu bakalan ngerti. Tapi bagi yang belum, sabar ya...
Yang pasti, Harry Potter Part I ini masih icip- icip. Belum hidangan utama, jadi, tunggu hingga bulan Juli 2011 ya...

14 November 2010

The Climb- Miley Cyrus

Actually, aku pengen ngeposting lyric ini udah lamaa... banget. Cuman karena malas jadi tertunda terus deh.
Lagu The Climb milik Miley Cyrus ini merupakan lagu yang berhasil masuk daftar kesukaan aku.
Arti dari lagu ini menyentuh banget. Tentang perjuangan pokoknya. Kalau kamu gagal dalam meraih apa yang kamu inginkan. Itu bukan akhir kok...
Pasti ada suatu kesempatan lagi yang ada untuk akmu. Meski tak harus sama. Seperti ini deh;
Suatu saat, kamu ikut lomba KIR, lalu kamu masuk final, tapi kamu nggak bisa menang. Tenang, jangan menyerah. Lomba kayak KIR itu banyak banget. Seperti yang ada dalam lirik ini.
There's always gonna be another mountain. I'm alays gonna wanna make it move...

The Climb Lyric
Songwriters: Alexander, J; Mabe, J;

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

Kalau mau download KLIK ini aja.

13 November 2010

Percy Jackson Audiobook

Today, in this saturday morning, i found a link connected with Percy Jackson audibook. Great! Actually, i not found that, but i search in internet. Whatever....
Do you like audiobook, or you like Percy Jackson Novel?
I will inform you about this. Before that, let's check. What's the percy jackson novel?

Percy Jackson & the Olympians is a series of fictional adventure and fantasy books authored by Rick Riordan. Set in the United States, the books are predominantly based on Greek mythology. The series consists of five books, as well as spin-off titles such as The Demigod Files and Demigods and Monsters. The Lightning Thief, the first book, is the basis of a film called Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, which was released in the United States and Canada on February 12, 2010.

Main Characters:

Percy Jackson (The son of Poseidon), Anabeth (The Son of Athena), and Grover (Satyr)

There are 5 series of Percy Jackson;

1. The Lightning Thief

Main article: The Lightning Thief
The US version of the cover.

The Lightning Thief is the first book in the series. It was released on June 28, 2005.

Percy Jackson is a twelve year old boy with dyslexia and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). After going on a field trip and being attacked by his pre-algebra teacher, who is actually the Fury Alecto in disguise, he finds out that he is the son of a Greek god. He is brought to Camp Half-Blood (a camp for children with a Greek god as a parent, located off Long Island) by his best friend, a satyr named Grover Underwood, and his mother Sally. He soon meets Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, and they are good friends by the end of the novel. Not long after his arrival, Poseidon, the sea god, claims Percy as his son during a game of demigod-style capture-the-flag. Percy is accused of stealing Zeus' masterbolt, the model for every lightning bolt made. He, Annabeth and Grover are given ten days to return the thunderbolt to Mount Olympus in order to stop a war between the gods from starting a war and save his mother, who has been held hostage in the Underworld by Hades after being captured by the Minotaur. They go on a quest across the United States and encounter various monsters on the way, such as Medusa and others. They soon find out that Hades did not steal the bolt. It is revealed that Luke, a friend Percy had met at camp, stole the bolt for Kronos, who is attempting to rise from Tartarus. The book has been adapted into a film under the title of Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Chris Columbus and 20th Century Fox.

2. The Sea of Monsters

Main article: The Sea of Monsters
The US version of the cover

The Sea of Monsters is the second installment in the series, released on May 3, 2006.

Thalia's tree, the magical border of Camp Half-Blood, has been poisoned. Chiron is blamed for the poisoning because he is the son of Kronos and is dismissed from camp; Tantalus, who comes from the Fields of Punishment and cannot have food or water, takes the job. The only thing able to rid the tree of its poison is the Golden Fleece, which is located on the island of Polyphemus (another son of Poseidon and therefore Percy's half-brother), in the Sea of Monsters (the Bermuda Triangle).

Clarisse La Rue, the daughter of Ares and enemy of Percy science his first day at Camp Half-Blood, is given the quest to go to the Sea of Monsters to find the Golden Fleece, which has healing powers for plants, animals, and humans. Percy and Annabeth decide to go also, not just for the Golden Fleece, but for their friend Grover who is trapped in Polyphemus' cave. Tyson, a young Cyclops whom Percy befriended and got saved by from Laistrygonian giants at school that year, joins them on their journey after saving Camp Half-Blood from two metal, fire breathing bulls. He is also Poseidon's son and and that makes him Percy's half-brother.Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson meet the Hydra. They are saved by Clarisse. As they enter the Sea of Monsters, they have to get past Scylla and Charybdis. Instead of trying to sail in between the two, Clarisse automatically goes for Charybdis and Tyson supposedly dies in Clarisse's ship after the engine overheats and then blows up. After that, Percy and Annabeth journey to many dangerous islands, and Annabeth tells Percy many things about how Thalia died and she also mentions her prophecy and tells Percy that he has a choice to make when he becomes 16 years old,about how a kid of one of the Big Three has to make a choice whether or not to save the world, and that is the real reason the Big Three swore off children. Fighting their way through many other obstacles, like the Sirens and Circe's island, they join up with Clarisse and Grover, who had been captured by Polyphemus, and later Tyson. After fighting Polyphemus, they leave with the Golden Fleece.

When they return to the mortal world, they send off Clarisse on an airplane with the Fleece to camp alone. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson are kidnapped by Luke. In a duel with him, Percy is nearly killed. He is saved by Chiron, who is proven innocent, and his relatives, the Party Ponies. When they return to camp the Fleece is put on the tree. The Fleece not only revives Thalia's tree, but Thalia too, who appears as she looked in Percy's dreams. It turns out that this was actually Kronos's plan, done so that he would have another chance to manipulate the prophecy which governs the future of Olympus and the Olympians. At the end Percy and Annabeth win a chariot race and Annabeth kisses Percy on the cheek.

3. The Titan's Curse

Main article: The Titan's Curse
The US version of the cover.

The Titan's Curse is the third installment in the series. It was released on May 1, 2007.

Grover has gone undercover to a school in search for half-bloods, and finds two powerful siblings, Nico and Bianca di Angelo. While on this mission, they are attacked by a manticore, but are saved by the Hunters of Artemis, who arrive just in time to help. Annabeth falls off a cliff in an attempt to kill the manticore, and as Percy learns later, has somehow survived and been captured by Luke. Bianca joins the Hunters and they, along with Nico, Percy, and Thalia, go to camp. Soon after arriving at camp, Percy learns that Artemis herself has been captured, too.

A quest is issued and the group is made to go on a quest for Artemis. But Percy is not a part of that quest. Grover, Thalia, Bianca, and Zoë Nightshade (Artemis' lieutenant) go on a quest to rescue Artemis. Percy secretly follows and soon joins the quest as the fifth member. They travel to various places such as Hoover Dam and the junkyard of the gods where Percy is visited by Goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite, who tells Percy that she is quite interested in Percy and Annabeth's romantic tension that is shown discreetly within the books but becomes more pronounced throughout the series. They learn that Atlas, a powerful Titan, has escaped his torment (holding up the sky) at the Mountain of Despair on California's Mount Tamalpais, replacing himself with Annabeth and then eventually Artemis, and is intent on stopping the heroes from success. They defeat him, having lost both Hunters in the quest. At the winter solstice, Thalia replaces Zoë as Artemis' lieutenant at a meeting with the gods in which they decided whether they would kill Percy and his friends. Thalia had escaped the phrophecy, leaving Perseus alone in it. Fortunately, Percy and his friends remain untouched. The gods, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Thalia then celebrate the victory of defeating Atlas and everything else the heroes accomplished. But as soon as they return, Nico is told about Bianca's death. He blames Percy, accusing him of failing to protect her like he had promised. When a crack in the ground appears, Nico thinks that Percy is now trying to kill him as well. He tells them to leave and they are banished to the Underworld; Nico then runs away. Percy realizes that Hades is Nico's father. At first, Percy, Annabeth and Grover think that this goes against the promise of the Big Three, which is to never have demigod children, but then they realize that the two siblings had been in the Lotus Hotel and Casino (a hotel/casino where time is nonexistent and makes you lose complete track of time, and is visited in the first book) before the pact between the big three was ever made. But still, Nico is still apart of it, so now Percy has to hide Nico's parentage, in case Luke tries to recruit him, so Nico can destroy the world at 16.

4. The Battle of the Labyrinth

Main article: The Battle of the Labyrinth
The US version of the cover.

The Battle of the Labyrinth, released on May 6, 2008, is the fourth book in the series.

After being attacked by monster cheerleaders at his new school, Percy returns to Camp Half-Blood and learns about "The Labyrinth", part of the palace of King Minos in Crete that, according to Greek mythology, was designed by Daedalus. During a game/battle with giant scorpions, Annabeth and Percy find an entrance into the Labyrinth. Percy soon learns that Luke had used the entrance and will lead his army through the Labyrinth straight into the heart of camp. Annabeth also finds out that she is going to lead a quest for the first time in her life. To get into the Labyrinth, Percy has to find a blue Delta Symbol (Δ) (representing Daedalus) on a passageway, touch it, and then enter the Labyrinth to find Daedalus. Then Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson learn that the Labyrinth is known to grow on its own, and can cause madness that could lead to death. While in the Labyrinth, they (with Nico) discover Pan, and he speaks words of wisdom to all of them except Nico. When he dies, part of his essence enters each of the characters except Nico. Percy later notices that Pan did not even speak to Nico.

Using the Labyrinth, Percy tries to find Daedalus so Luke cannot get Ariadne's string, (a string that can help anyone travel through the Labyrinth without getting lost), thereby foiling Luke's invasion. He gets the help he needs from a mortal girl named Rachel Elizabeth Dare, who can also see a path in the Labyrinth leading to Daedalus. Kronos finds out that Nico di Angelo is a son of Hades and also could be the child of the prophecy. Luke reaches Daedalus and gets Ariadne's string which he uses to lead his army to attack Camp Half-Blood. Grover comes to the rescue and causes a Panic (a scream that symbolizes the wild god Pan) to scare away the enemy. After the battle, Daedalus sacrifices himself to close the Labyrinth, which is tied to his life.

5. The Last Olympian

Main article: The Last Olympian
The US version of the cover.

The Last Olympian, the fifth book in the Percy Jackson series, was released on May 5, 2009.

Percy Jackson and his friends fight in a war resembling the original war between the Greek gods and the Titans and in a final battle with the powerful Titan, Lord Kronos. Seeking to defeat Kronos, Percy bathes in the River Styx, like Luke, to make his body invulnerable except in one spot (mortal point; in Percy's case, the small of his back). Percy and his friends then fight in a last stand to protect Mount Olympus from the oncoming invasion of Kronos.They find out that a mortal girl that Percy met in the third book, The Titan's Curse, was destined to become the Oracle. Percy also finds out the last Olympian is Hestia and gives her Pandora´s jar, telling her she is the last and most important Olympian "because Hope survives best at the hearth". Percy and Luke (possessed by Kronos) battle at the top of Mt. Olympus. Luke is shocked back into his normal self after hurting Annabeth. Just before this battle, Percy turns sixteen, making the Great Prophecy come into effect. Annabeth tells Percy to give Luke the knife, leaving himself unarmed. He does and Luke commits suicide to destroy Kronos and save Mt. Olympus.Percy(Perseus)had made the choice to save Olympus, losing his sword, plenty of his friends, and finding out that Luke was the true hero, in the end. A shroud is made for Luke when the gods return to Olympus. The gods reward Percy and his friends and grant him one request. He requests the gods to recognize all their children and make a place at Camp Half-Blood for Hades and all the children of the minor gods. At the end of the book, Annabeth gives Percy a cupcake with a candle on it for his birthday. They then share a quick kiss but do not realize the rest of the campers are eavesdropping. The book finishes with the Percy and Annabeth running down Half-Blood Hill to go home.


You cand find the audiobook in this site:

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_Jackson_%26_the_Olympians

09 November 2010

Mushroom Cultivation


By: M.A. Manaf

Hi Guys... in this occasion i will posted my article about mushroom cultivation. Actually, this article for LCO (Local Content) assigment. But, i just want to show my article in internet, so this article not useless in my flashdisk or in my folder and can giving advantages to reader. And you must know, this article get A* from my teacher, Miss Kadek.

Happy reading!

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of macrofungi and very nutritious products that can be generated from lignocellulosic waste materials; and are in rich in crude fibre and protein. In fact, mushrooms also contain low fat, low calories and good vitamins. In addition, many mushrooms possess multi-functional medicinal properties.
They belong to the macrofungi, because their fruiting structures are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. They can appear either below ground (hypogeous) or above ground (epigous) where they may be picked by hand.
Edibility may be defined by criteria that include absence of poisonous effects on humans and desirable taste and aroma. By some accounts, less than 10% of all mushrooms may be edible.
At first, fullfilment of human needs to edible mushroom just rely from natural grace. In this way, the number of mushroom obtained very limited and only some seasons can get this mushroom. Initiatives of mushroom cultivation or mushroom farms happen because the mushroom consumption increase but the mushroom in nature limited.
Mushroom cultivation has a long history, with over twenty species commercially cultivated. Mushrooms are cultivated in at least 60 countries with China, the United States, Netherlands, France and Poland being the top five producers in 2000.
France maybe was the leader in the formal cultivation of mushrooms. Some accounts say that Louis XIV was the first mushroom grower. Around this time mushrooms were grown in special caves near Paris set aside for this unique form of agriculture.
Mushroom cultivation has great scope in China, India and in some of other developing countries because of the cheap and easily available raw materials needed for this activity, faster to marketing (as a fresh commodity). Using China for example, in 1978, the production of edible mushrooms was only 60,000 tonnes. In 2006, China’s mushroom production was over 14 million tonnes. Now there are more than 30 million people directly or indirectly engaged in mushroom production and businesses, and now China has become a leading mushroom producer and consumer in the world.
Mushroom cultivation or farming mushroom is prepare and use land for growing mushroom. Mushroom cultivation technology is friendly to the environment. Because it can utilising waste materials for example, paddy straw, cotton wastes, coffee waste, water hyacinth, tree saw dust, sugar cane bagasse, wild grasses and various categories of refuse and lignocellulosic wastes. All of this materials is biodegradable.
The cultivation of mushrooms can be both a relatively primitive farming activity, and a high technology industry. In each case, however, continuous production of successful crops requires both practical experience and scientific knowledge. Mushroom cultivation is both a science and an art. The science is developed through research; the art is perfected through curiosity and practical experience.
Mushroom cultivation also giving many advantages, there are reduce environmental polution, mushroom cultivation can be a labour intensive activity, provide additional high quality of vegetable, benefit to human health and fitness, and also improve the economic standard of the people.
There are many kinds of mushroom cultivated, like Shiitake (Lentinula edodes), Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.), Wood ear mushroom (Auricularia auricla), Table Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), Porcini (Boletus edulis), Giant Puffball (Calvatia gigantea), Field Mushroom (Agaricus campestris), Champignon (Agaricus bisporus) and Morchella.
Mushroom cultivation in Indonesia is suitable. Because in Indonesia there are many factor promote to this activity. The temperature is good for mushroom cultivation. For patty straw mushroom can cultivated in lowllands, and for shiitake and oyster can cultivated on plateu or highland. The humadity good and enough water. So, this activity have a good prospect in the future.
First thing that need for mushroom cultivation is mushroom farms. So, if anyone want to cultivate a mushroom, they must layout the farms to adjust the mushroom habitat. They must concern about hygiene. And then make a spawn production (mushroom seed). This is the difficult thing if they do by theirself. But, they can buy the mushroom seed. Then prepare the substrate or growing media. Finally, maintained the mushrooms. Approximately after 13 month, the mushroom can harvest.
Patty straw mushroom or Volvariella volvacea for the first time cultivated in Indonesia maybe on 1935-1940. Champignon mushroon cultivated on 1968. Oyster cultivated in Indonesia on 1990, and Wood ear mushroom and Shiitake also cultivated on 1990.
There are many centers of cultvation in Indonesia, like in Karawang, Purwakarta, Brebes, Klaten for patty straw mushroom. Bandung, Wonosobo, Solo, Bogor, Malang, Jogja and others for wood ear mushroom, oyster, and shiitake. Now, mushroom cultivation also developed in Lampung, Jambi, South Kalimantan, Middle Sulawesi. However, in Indoensia, mushroom development performed by two main companies. There are big company and small company (UKM/ Usaha Kecil Menengah).

US. International Trade Commision. Publication April 2010. Preserved Mushrooms From Chile, China, India, and Indonesia. Washington. www.usitc.gov (online).
ASIAN AND PACIFIC CENTRE FOR AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AND MACHINERY (APCAEM). Withot yea. Training Manual on Mushroom Cultivation Technology. Beijing, China. www.unapcaem.org. (Online)
Oei, Peter, et.al. First Edition, 2005. Small-scale mushroom cultivation (oyster, shiitake and wood ear mushrooms). Agromisa Foundation and CTA.

06 November 2010

Keep Spirit!

Yah belum saatnya ya?
Tak apalah, aku tahu masih banyak kekurangan mengenai hal ini. Masih ada banyak hal yang harus dibenahi.
Bukannya aku sok pede atau bagaimana, dari pengalaman lomba selama ini, aku ikut lomba meski masuk final, nanti temanku yang jadi juara. Setidaknya aku masih berguna kan?
Yah, aku harus lebih mengenali diriku, menggali potensi yang ada, mengeksplornya.
Yang aku sesalkan adalah, jika para juri mencoba menyamaratakan juara yang ada. Kalau gitu ngak adil, tapi aku selalu merasa demikian.
Meski begitu, bukanakh aku sudah menjadi pemenang. Mungkin orang lain nggak tahu kita kalah kok katanya menang (tentu saja aku nggak bilang orang kalau aku menang, padahal kalah). Kemenangan yang ada maksudku menang bagi diri sendiri.
Entah kenapa, kekalahan yang aku alami selalu menjadikan aku tambah percaya terhadap kekuasaan Tuhan. Entah kenapa, dulu juga seperti itu. Aku percaya, meski akhirnya kalah, Tapi aku percaya. Tuhan Maha Penagsih lagi Maha Peyayang kan? Pasti dia punya renaca yang lebih besar diablik ini semua.
Kayak dulu. Dulu aku belum menag di LKTI nasional. Meski kalah, apa balasannya, aku mendapat beasiswa dari Sampoerna Foundation. Bukankah itu rencana besar dibalik rencana?
I just believe.... if the God always see my heart, see my desire.
Kalau aku kalah, tapi entar aku bisa dapat Scholarship from Oxford University or Harvard University, or from others internasional university bukankah ini nikmat yang sangat besar?
Ok, keep spirit masih ada banyak lomba yang lain kan? Dan perlu kau tahu. Aku selalu percaya padanya.