Erneny Idawati, Rizky Putri Hardayanti.
The using of Papaya Skin Waste in optimalizing Coconut Oil Purification
MTsN Kediri 2. Advisor (1) Enik Kurniawati,S.Pd. Advisor (2) Nur Farida, S.Pd
Key Words : Coconut, Papaya
Nowdays, the need is very expensive. The price of Fried Oil is more expensive. Besides, people are lazy to make coconut oil by their selvis. It is because of the time is long and little Oil. Those become our background of our study.
The purpose of study is to know whether papaya skin waste can be used to optimalizing and purification of coconut oil.
The reaserch methods are comperation between pure coconut oil and coconut oil added with papaya skin and also comperati oblondo and between pure coconut oil with papaya skin and comporation between the price of Coconut oil and coconut oil that is sold. The sample is taken from the seller of coconut.
The research finding shows that coconut oil added by papaya skin is more pure and many. It shows that papaya skin can be used to optimalize and pure the coconut oil.
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