Iqlima Kurnia Dewi, Endah Rosalia Dewi
The benefit of leafy plant (Ipomea Aquatica) as Biocumulator metal and Bioindicator to water pollution. Advisor (1) Enik Kurniawati,S.Pd. Advisor (2) Nur Farida, S.Pd
Key Words : Leafy, metal, liquid waste
The purposes of this study are to know whether leafy can grow in the water that is poluted and can be bioindicator. To know the influence of solution that has metal to the growth of leafy. To know the change of metal ion fate after its absorbtion by leafy plant. To know the capacity absorb in leafy’s root part.
The reasearch methods arefirst, field experimental by compareting three variants of metal waste as the absorbent. We analyze the data in Sains Laboratory of MTsN Kediri 2 and Politeknik Malang in chamical Faculty. Second, the experimental by compareting three variants waste as bioindicator plant.
The reasecrh findings are first, leafy plant can grow in the water that is poluted and can be as bioindicator. Second, leafy plant phisically after giving metal is faded, not fresh, has strong root. It causes the metal is corosive. Third, the change of ion fate after absorbtion by leafy plant is metal Pb. Before treatment the fate is 3,703 ppm, after treatment the fate is 2,302 ppm, Cu before treatment is 155,9 ppm, after treatment the fate is 0,007 ppm, and Ag before treatment is 5860,32 ppm, fourth, the capacity absorb in part of leafy’s root is 33 ppm. So that, leafy plant can be spoken as bioacumulator.
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